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Showing posts from October, 2020

Taj Mahal-the symbol of love

  TAJ MAHAL - THE SYMBOL OF LOVE Taj Mahal is described as one of the wonders of the world which was located in Agra District in Uttar Pradesh . Taj Mahal was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his lovable wife Mumtaz Mahal in the 17th century. This shows the Shah Jahan's eternal love for his favourite wife Mumtaz. History of Taj Mahal          Taj Mahal is a soul filled with love and sorrow. This is an example of how a man can deeply love her wife. This man was the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan who loved his wife Mumtaz even after her death. Shah Jahan was born in 1592 . He was the son of Mughal Emperor Jehangir and grandson of Akbar the great . Mumtaz Mahal was born Arjumand Banu Begum in 1593. She was the daughter of Abu’l-Hasan Asaf Khan . She was a Muslim Persian Princess.  When Shah Jahan was at the age of 14 , he met Mumtaz and fell deeply in love with her. Later after 5 years, in the year 1612 , they got married. Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan became insep


  STRUGGLE  MAKES YOU STRONGER Offcourse guys , you know that it is true when you realise it . A bitter fact is struggle makes your life better. Your life goes smooth untill you met with an obstacles. Every successive persons tackle lots and and lots of struggles , isn't it ? Yes. It's simply stimulates your willpower and hidden qualities. UNDERSTAND AND FACE IT Life is a struggle. You may get million of choices in your life . In it , you have to make your own decision in right way. But you won't fear to make any  decision and to face it .  Then you won't  give up,  you have to study clearly and analyse the obstacles to overcome them with  greats struggle Struggle is the major step to reach success. you'll become experienced when you faced and overcome the struggles in your life. Being depressed and sad is never be the solution of anything. You should replace the depression in term of  struggle to overcome it , not in words but in action.   CHANGE THE VIEW Then you

How songs play in our moods

Hi friends, I'm T.R.Ramya. Do you know something? Human emotions are like a rollercoaster. We don’t know what is going to happen but songs can change our emotions. Come on, I just sharing my opinion about songs • Bond creator                                                                        The sign of pure love for humans, I believe in songs. People try to express their inner feelings to their loved ones through words but unfortunately, it’s not working in a good way. Suddenly some song listening at the back suits their situation with the help of song people trying to convey their inner feeling to them. Songs are magic-making elements and it helps to create a bond with each other. • Great healer Once upon a time, They believed “time” were great healers in human life. Unfortunately nowadays “songs” are great healers in part of our life. It assists us to forget our past and motivate us in the present. We can take medicine to heal our outer pain but songs are great medicine to

Depression handling

Depression To battle loneliness and depression, experts suggest finding a hobby outside of work, joining Meetup groups, or seek medical help. Will Wright, who founded digital-health-coaching company Pack Health, believes some online interactions, especially with real friends, can help people feel less alone. He tells the story of a particularly tough time for himself. When he’d be travelling and away from home and friends for weeks. A friend texted during one of these times and Wright surprised himself by texting back an honest answer: I’m lonely. The friend said he’d been where Wright was right then. “Why don’t you go for a run?” the friend asked, offering a concrete way for Wright to help himself by exercising and getting out of his hotel surroundings. “All this happened through texts,” Wright said. Engineers can take time out of their days to email, text, and phone friends and family members to feel more connected. The answer is a bit different for Dolva of No Isolation. “Loneliness

How to spend quarantine

       Hai folks, I'm Mahesh... Today I share about yes it's on the topic "How to spend quarantine". Before going into this  Check this to know who you are .  I'll share a few steps which I did in my quarantine and it's silently effective in some way in my life and at the same time, it's not boring like online classes lol. If my guess is not wrong the below few steps are maybe you already did in your life. If I'm wrong, come on just try it and explore the vast. Watch movies      Yes, I suggest you watch movies which are the first and foremost step in your quarantine. I know you already did it but do you asked this question to you "how it is going to be useful or effective in my life" if you asked this I'll say you are doing good because you already think that this activity is useful or not so you're doing great keep going on !!!             Now coming to the point of how it is going to be useful. You can't live like a billionaire

The Secret to confidence

This blog is just Try to increase your confidence level.  I expect you already know about very most famous Quotes “It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirit that allows us to keep looking for new adventures” by Oprah Winfrey This post about the secret to confident is now yours Body Language Confident body language is the most important factor to make the right first best impression.  Never carry yourself with fear or nervousness in any professional situation.  Emotions are contagious and will cause the opposite person to feel uncomfortable.   keep your head, shoulder, and back straight at all times as this helps mask nervousness and makes you stronger and always maintains eye contact.  It indicates openness and confidence. Having confident body language is therefore a must . Dressing up People treat you as they see you.  We should wear simple, neat, and comfortable dresses, and the colors you pick have a certain association attached to it.  Every color communicates something it