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We are students from various colleges joining our hands to run this student community called Stu_mates . It is an initiative to get ourselves improved and become an eligible resident to lead our society. Though we are budding students, we are eligible to prove ourselves . We are learning within us and we also gather the experience from the experts on their respective domain. Our ultimate aim is to learn from the experience . 


This community is significantly for individuals who seek knowledge and to uncover new ideas . Stu_mates includes live speakers, recorded talks and are organised independently. 

"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. "

                 – Booker T. Washington

Nothing is impossible without a mission and a vision. We are working the whole day and night to achieve this, we hereby promise to achieve our missions and vision, as soon as possible. 


Our mission is to serve the students and help them to gather the experience of the people who're already in the field, so they could have a clear idea of what to do next. The audience is given a chance to express their talents on our platform, like giving a talk about their projects, ideas or they could also give their talks in their own interest. 


Our vision is to get students from all over India under a single platform and to provide transformative educational experiences and essential services that advance student success. 

"We believe in the value of community service, volunteerism, and the importance of mentoring, connection, and participation."


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