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Accept who you are


Most of the times we failed to accept ourselves. When was the last time you asked yourself " Who am I ?".There are so many answers to the question but here I'm asking your inner self, the third face of you. Everyone has three faces. The first one you show to society and the second one you show to your close circles which are friends and parents and the third one you show only to yourself, I can say that is the real you. Ask to that third face, accept you and realise you. You can ask what is there to accept and realise.

  Just stay with me for a short story. You will get to know why you should accept yourself. There is an introverted boy. He has talent but he doesn't know how to express it and he doesn't like to promote it, he believe that an excellent talent will emerge at the right time and the right place automatically. He believes in his theory but the days go on later only he realises that, yes one must have talent but more than that how much you self promote it, how you advertise it and how you exaggerate it. That's the key factor to expose yourself to the world. A lot of people have talent but they've failed to expose it. They don't know how to and where to expose it. so only they can't be recognised properly by the world and by the right people.

Okay, What do you think went wrong here?

  His belief, do you think his belief is wrong if he doesn't believe in his statement "that the excellent talent will emerge in the right time and right place automatically", he'll expose or he'll get to the stage earlier?

No, I say that's not the main problem here.

Just rewind a little bit.

The real core problem is he is an introvert.

So the problem is not in his belief system and another thing is one can't easily break or change the belief. If you want to change your belief, then you want to know what's your core belief. So here if he realizes that he has a lack of knowledge about the society and outer world. He maybe tries to speaks to other people or he goes out more then he'll realise that advertising and self-promotion are more important.

Here how he can change his belief is " The excellent talent will emerge in the right time and right place by know where to self-promote it"

By the end, you want to accept who you are no matter you're an introvert, you're a coward, you're a selfish person, you're a killer or anything you are. You want to accept it and realise it, then only you'll get an idea of how to overcome it or what you have to change.

Leave the comment on what thought you have right now in the mind.

Don't forgot to check this !! Realise how you spent the quarantine...

Source of the images: Google


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