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Animal Trafficking

• Nature is beautiful so, let preserve it!
               Do you know something? The museum of Europe where more than seventy rhino horns were stolen in 2011 alone. People want something special so, they are starting to hunt, trap, and shooting the animals. Nowadays global animal trade is priced in the billion. The flowers are red..... Animals have blood we don't have the right to cut. Understand one thing nature is wondering beautiful so start to preserve it.

• The great reason for animal trafficking
           Humans are doing animal trafficking for their profit right but on the other hand, Animals are suffering the pain. Humans are just enjoying the profit from it but animals are suffering from pain. Nowadays wild animals and plants as commodities that exist for the betterment of humanity. Even animals are hunting not just for meat, but also for medicine and status symbol. Human believes that animals particular energy and characteristics upon the person who eats it. A snake may be eaten to cure arthritis or skin disease because snakes are flexible and shed their skin, or a tiger may be consumed for strength and power, Like this wildlife held even today for a status symbol that only rich and powerful people can afford. Wildlife has suffered according.

• Pathetic pangolins.
             Humans have some moto in their mind like fish and animals to eat, wood to burn, honey to harvest and sell. Current situation pangolins disappeared because of their collective activities. In the west, the world's eight species of pangolins have various names and nicknames. They are the world's only mammals with true scales, but their second and more recent claim to fame is as the world's most highly trafficked mammals. Even pangolin's tongue, according to some community in Indonesia, use it to protect against black magic.

• Can we stop Animal trafficking
         The corrupt customs agent who signs off on shipments of those animals part to the trade boss who considers himself untouchable as well as wealthy patrons who motivate all of their crimes. Do you know something? If we destroy All the animals then our life becomes dark like in hell. We all need to promise and protect the rich fertile earth. I read a book the author asks the reason to the hunter why your hunting the animals the hunter reply for it I'm from a poor background I have 5 children for my daily needs I'm just hurting and using it. Then the author asked him why not let them sell two of their kid as well? Instead of selling the animal. Finally, we all came to know the most beautiful creature in the world is an animal so stop animal trafficking. 


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    Motivational Speaker


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