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  • What is public speaking?
  • Types of public speakers.
  • Topics that can be covered by a public speaker.
  • How do I become a public speaker?
  • Choose your synopsis related to the topic.
  • Draft your content.
  • Read your audience mind
  • Build your personal brand.
  • Use social media wisely.
  • Grab opportunities despite audience count.
  • Maintain sustainability.
  • Qualities of a speaker

What is public speaking?
Public speaking is a traditional way of communicating face to face with a crowd audience. In today's world, technology has made it so simple by communicating through the internet.

Types of public speakers:
A speaker is a person who shares all the insights known by him on the specific topic handed over to him. There are six types of speakers. 

First is the motivational speaker - the goal of a motivational speaker is to inspire the audience and stimulates them to move forward towards their goals.

Second is the transformational speaker - they use all the important elements of the speaker (eye contact, body language, voice, words, presence etc.,) to make a massive change in their audience.

The third is the educational speaker - here we find experts in the field to be covered. We find these speakers in seminars and workshops.

Fourth is the demonstrative speaker - it is the type of speaking that includes science demonstrations or role play.

Fifth is the entertainer speaker - the one who entertains the audience and spreads the enjoyment between the audience.

Sixth is the Persuasive speaker - the speaker who has the goal of convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view on a specific topic.

Topics that can be covered by a public speaker:
A public speaker doesn't have a specific topic to be covered. Topics are chosen according to their audience only. A public speaker can cover all the topics that the audience demand. 

How do I become a public speaker?

Choose your synopsis related to the topic:
Before choosing your synopsis it is necessary to know about your audience. Decide your topic accordingly. Choose the sub-topics related to the main topic. Collect all the relevant latest news on the topic. Arrange them in order.

Draft your content:
Before starting with your draft work, have a keen on research on your topic. Make sure that the topics and sub-topics chosen are related to each other. Outline each sub-topics. Try to add some relevant examples. Maintain a speaker note with you while you're speaking.

Read your audience mind:
Analyse your audience according to their level of understanding, attitude, the course or degree they pursue or pursued and their need to attend this meet. The audience is the most important person in public speaking.

Build your personal brand:
Apart from speaking, personal branding is as important as speaking for a public speaker. Every speaker needs a platform to express their talent. Start engaging your audience through various social media platforms. Claim even a small space to showcase your speaking skills.

Use social media wisely:
Choose your platform wisely according to your targeted audience. Keep updating the content to be posted on social media daily. Have an eye on your social media analytics.

Grab opportunities despite audience count:
While you are a beginner in public speaking it is necessary to grab each opportunity that you've to find on your doorstep. No matter if the audience count is less. Even if your opportunity is small, take it seriously and work on it. You'll get succeed.

Maintain sustainability:
The most important thing for a public speaker is to maintain sustainability. Not only in public speaking but in every job it is necessary to engage your audience regularly. While your sustainability is lost or decreases it may be difficult for you to reach success.

Qualities of a speaker:
The most important quality of a public speaker is confidence. Being confident, makes your audience feel you as an expert on your topic and trust your words. 

The next thing is passion. If you're passionate about your work, it expresses the love towards your work which inspires the audience to hear you. 

The ability to be succinct is the next most important thing. The attention span of your audience might be less. So it is necessary to make your presentation short as much as possible. 

Ability to tell a story: Rather than simply Sharing the facts content, you can tell a story that connects to the fact that is to be delivered.

Maintain a connection with your audience that is the most important thing in public speaking.

**All image source from google


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